Saturday 11 February 2012

Birthday gifts

For my 29th birthday last week I received some very nice things from Thorsten, my mother, my sister Nina and Thorsten's family.

Thorsten gave me a gift card for a running store in Tacoma -- for that money I bought myself a brand new pair of running shoes, a reflective cap and a long-sleeved top (very handy, as the weather is still chilly). T and I have been running in the park almost every other day for two and a half week, and are slowly increasing our distance. This week we managed to do five rounds -- 7.5 km -- several times, and meanwhile I am also running a bit alone, working on my speed.

There are a lot of races in the area this spring, and I am considering signing up for this 5K in downtown Tacoma in the end of March. There is a sign-up party at an Irish pub in a little more than a week here in the city, and Thorsten more than willing to have a couple of beers in honour of the venerable art of running, so we'll go and see if we can find our more about the race.

As for the other gifts -- the Schillings were kind enough to sent me a big box all the way from Germany, containing (among other things) delicious candy, seeds, a practical bag, and a very nice card.

Via my mother, Nina bought me two beautiful orchids, pictured here in my window along with my little primroses.

Finally, my mother got me a ladle for my soup (I had been needing it!) as well as a whole bag full of American specialities, including pancake mix that we used to make breakfast three days in a row, candied walnuts, and applesauce that Thorsten was especially fond of. (It is actually very popular in Germany, especially served with meat. In that spirit, we ate it with our bacon-cheese pancakes.)

Unfortunately, I didn't take a picture before I started digging in!

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